About Us
Soft launched in May 2020 and now located on the west coast of Canada - Loved by Hollis is the vision of co-creators Hollis and Scott Connor. Together they established a company that provides natural products enabling everyday families the opportunity to embrace a safer, chemical-free beauty line for the entire family with no recourse.
Our Story
Launched in May 2021 and located on the stunning Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Loved by Hollis is the vision of co-creators Hollis and Scott Connor. Together they established a company that provides a natural, organic topical oil, free from chemicals which can heal many skin conditions that prescribed treatments often fall short on. As the first Ozone Dispensary we are proud to serve the islands premium natural health stores and we will not stop there! As we grow and share the power of ozone (O3) we are on a mission to be on the mainland in 2024 sharing our love with you!
In August 2019 Hollis Connor died before witnessing her dream of
Loved by Hollis being a reality. Hollis’ vision was unassuming, save
lives by using her experience from the previous four
years, documenting and providing unique tools and
information to help thwart cancer, terminal diagnoses, focusing on promoting wellness in our everyday life.
Although Scott's wife died due to complications of cancer, Hollis had
introduced Ozone into her life and in doing so, aided in curing lung
cancer and skull cancer so they witnessed
first-hand the power of
ozone. With this knowledge, we are planting a seed and creating products
containing the cleanest, smartest, and most ingenious ingredient
ever...Ozone (o3).
Harnessing the natural power of Oxygen (o2)
Scott has utilized his cooking expertise and crafted unique ozone
recipes by suspending o3 in high-quality organic olive oil. Introducing ozone
oil to homemade products such as activated charcoal tooth scrub, and UV
protecting o3 lip balm, Scott has combined cooking and chemistry to
Loved by Hollis concepts, while eliminating chemicals and harmful
substances. With this awareness, Loved by Hollis provides products that
can prevent negative effects of similar conventional products that are
currently on the market, and we believe we are painting a picture, while
scratching the surface of an untapped market for the everyday home,
being mindful of health and wellness, and reducing harmful products in
the modern household.